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Wellbeing at work

Wellbeing at work is a comprehensive whole made up of work and its meaningfulness, health, safety, and feeling good.Indeed, daily wellbeing at work is the sum of many individual factors implemented in co-operation with employees, supervisors, the work community and occupational health care. 

Wellbeing at work is the responsibility of both the employer and employees – acting together in its maintenance and development. Other pivotal actors are, for instance, the wellbeing at work team, occupational health and safety personnel, and shop stewards. In the upkeep of wellbeing at work, occupational health care is also an important partner. By looking after your personal resources, motivation, competence and recovery both at work and during your free time, you promote the recovery of mind and body.

The goal of preventive occupational health care is a healthy and safe work environment, a well-functioning work community, the prevention of work-related diseases, and the maintenance and promotion of employees' ability to work and function.  Aalto Occupational Health generates occupational health care services for the personnel of the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland. As an employee of the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland, you have access to the services of preventive occupational health care as well as occupational health-focused medical care as local and remote service provision from the beginning of the employment relationship onwards. 

You can get more information about occupational health care on Polku-intra as soon as you obtain the organisation’s IDs.

Employees obtain the vaccinations that are part of the national vaccination programme from their own health centres. Vaccinations given outside the national vaccination program that are related to work-related hazards are included in the occupational health care organised by the employer (Infectious Diseases Act 1227/2016). 

Personnel benefits belong to the staff as a whole, regardless of the service area or service relationship format. Personnel benefits apply to both continuous and temporary service relationship staff.

The goal of personnel benefits is to:

  • favour services and doing things instead of goods
  • support a healthy lifestyle together with wellbeing at work and in one’s private life
  • develop new types of community- and togetherness-supportive personnel benefits

Personnel benefits offered to the employees of the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland are listed below. Information on partners and currently valid details on service providers can be found on Polku-intra.  

Meals for personnel as well as breaks belong to the workday: they revitalise and act as part of the social interaction in the work community. The units provide rest areas and cafeteria facilities. 

The Break Pro physical exercise app offers short, refreshing break exercise videos with a personal timing feature. The program also includes pilates, ergonomics, bending and stretching, and mindfulness in addition to vocal training sections. It reminds the user to take breaks and provides break exercise guidance, improves brain and work ergonomics, and increases wellbeing at work. The program functions on computers. Read more about its installation on Polku-intra.

The Smartum wellbeing benefit, which comprises physical exercise, cultural and wellbeing services, is available for the use of personnel as of 2023.  Massage is also part of the wellbeing services provided. More detailed conditions and activation instructions for getting the benefit can be found in Polku-intra.

Discounts and benefits with a personnel card Benefits can be obtained with the personnel card of the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland in addition to the rescue service and Hospital Nova card. Business discounts on, for instance, sport and exercise, massage and wellbeing services as well as for car and bicycle maintenance are offered. You can find an updated list of business discounts on Polku-intra.

Psychological support is a function aimed at personnel which contributes to supporting employees’ well-being and ability to work after experiencing sudden situations that are psychologically stressful. Stressful situations include, for example, a multi-patient or major accident situation, a serious occupational safety incident, or any burdensome or highly exceptional work task. The employee’s personal experience of the stress of a situation is sufficient rationale for offering support.

Our goal is to reduce smoking on the part of the public health care staff. What rests behind this is not only the indisputable detriment to health caused by smoking but personnel also acting as an example as well as an odour-free environment.   Hospital Nova (formerly the Central Hospital of Central Finland) has been a smoke-free medical facility also for patients since 01/10/2006. In the area of Hospital Nova, patient smoking is permitted only in marked shelters. 

If you need help in stopping smoking, the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland offers related support opportunities.  Ask for more information from your own occupational health nurse.