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Service relationship

The personnel of the wellbeing services county are either in a general employment relationship or have official (public servant) status. Tasks which incorporate public authority are handled in an official capacity. Otherwise, staff are hired for a general employment relationship. Most of the personnel are in a general employment relationship.

An employment contract or administrative order is made at the latest when the service relationship begins. The service relationship can be open-ended or fixed-term, and either full- or part-time.  A fixed-term employment contract binds both parties until the end of the term. A fixed-term employment relationship ends without period of notice at the end of the fixed-term contract.

The personnel portal gathers the information together concerning the employment relationship. In the personnel portal, you can familiarise yourself with your own employment relationship, and you can see your accrued holiday rights after the holiday determination period has ended. Via the personnel portal, holidays can be applied for as well as other absences, and employment contracts, orders of service and other changes are prepared. The supervisor sees the information concerning his/her subordinates, the employees only their own. You can personally update your own data in the personnel portal: for example, your address and bank account information.

In all service relationships lasting longer than one month, the employee obtains access to the personnel portal. You can find the personnel portal in Polku-intra after you have received your organisation IDs.

The employer chooses and decides, on the basis of his management rights, which working time system the employees or officeholders follow, taking into account the provisions of the Working Time Act and the provisions of the municipal official and collective employment agreements. Working time includes both the time spent working and the period during which the officeholder/employee is obligated to be at the disposal of the employer.

The Working Time Act obligates working time monitoring. In the Wellbeing Services County of ​​Central Finland, stamping takes place at the start and end of the work shift and in accordance with the agreed working time format, with separate stamping. Working time is stamped either with a working time stamping device at the workstation or with a mobile stamping application. In some units, other working time monitoring methods may also be in temporary use: information about these can be obtained from your own supervisor. The employer chooses the type of working time for the employee that is most appropriate in terms of operations and the performance of tasks. 

Flexitime, part-time work and remote working can be applied to some tasks. Sometimes there is also a legal basis for part-time work; for example, partial parental leave. Discuss these with your supervisor.

Remuneration is based on the valid official employment and collective agreements; for instance,  HYVTES, SOTE, LS, TS and local contracts. The salary is composed primarily of the task-specific wage, which may be supplemented by other wage components comprised as part of the salary.

In the wellbeing services county, remuneration systems based on municipal employment and collective agreements are evaluated as based on the demands of the task (TVA) and personal work performance. There are also common policies and procedures for other salary components. The object of the development of remuneration systems is fair treatment of personnel.

The work experience and professional bonus are based on labour experience and years of service. According to the general employment and collective agreement in the welfare sector (HYVTES) which also applies to physicians, and the social and health care personnel employment and collective agreement (SOTE agreement), the work experience bonus paid as based on labour experience is 3% of the job-specific salary when the officeholder/employee has worked at least five years, and 8% of the job-specific salary when the officeholder/employee has worked at least 10 years.

Occupational supplement in accordance with the regulations for the technical sector (HYVTES Annex 7). Calculated from the position-specific salary, 4% after three years of service and 8% after five years of service.

The employee is personally responsible for the delivery, accuracy and timeliness of the information related to the labour experience and professional supplement. You can get more information about the labour experience and professional supplement from your supervisor and Polku-intra.


The calculation of the wellbeing services county staff’s salaries is handled by Monetra Keski-Suomi Oy Personnel can contact Monetra's payroll services with regard to matters connected with tax cards, labour union membership fees and distraint-related questions. With regard to other matters, contact your own supervisor or the service relationship team in your own service area. Up-to-date contact information can be found in Polku-intra. Personnel need not deliver their tax cards to payroll calculation, because the tax card details for Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland employees is obtained from the Tax Authority prior to each date of salary payment. If you wish to change your tax percentage, calculate a new tax card in MyTax (Finland).

In a permanent service relationship, the salary payment date is the 15th of the month: if the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the salary payment date is the previous Friday.  In a temporary service relationship, the salary payment date is the last day of the month: if the last day of the month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the salary payment date is the previous Friday.  In short-term temporary service relationships, the salary payment date is the 15th or last day of the month. The salary calculations are delivered electronically to your own online bank. The deliverer of the salary calculations is CGI. If there are any errors in your salary, first make contact with your own supervisor.

An overall plan is made for the work unit's annual holidays, which also takes closing times into account.  Ultimately, the employer determines the time slot of the annual leave within the limits of the official and collective agreement.  The personnel are treated equitably in assigning annual leave. The total number of annual days of leave always depends on the length of employment and the number of years of work experience. You can check your total number of annual days of leave on the personnel portal as specific to your own information.

Make a plan for your own annual leave: it is part of your workplace’s plan. An overall plan for annual leave is prepared at the same time as the annual leave for the holiday season (2 May - 30 September) is ratified. The holiday respective to each holiday year can only be taken at the beginning of the holiday year concerned (1 January). For example, holidays accrued during the holiday determination year from 01/04/2023 to 30/03/2024 can be taken from 01/01/2024 onwards. An exception to this is fixed-period employees/officeholders whose service relationship end before the change of the year. They can, if so agreed, keep their already accumulated annual leave beforehand.  If not otherwise agreed between the employee/officeholder and employer, annual leave is held during the following year by the end of April.

When absence from work is required for reasons other than annual leave, this is referred to as official leave and employee leave. Release from work can be full-time or part-time. Official leaves and work leaves are either legislated in law or based on employer discretion.

Absence from work due to illness may be based either on the supervisor’s permission or a sick leave certificate. In cases of illness, the employee should always inform the supervisor personally about their falling ill. The supervisor can grant a maximum of one to seven consecutive calendar days of sick leave due to absence from the same illness, regardless of whether the aforementioned calendar days are working or non-working days.

If the illness continues for more than seven calendar days, the employee should always present a physician’s certificate of disability. If absence resulting from illness is due to a work or commuting accident, the certificate must be valid from the first day or no later than the third day of sickness absence following the accident. Notification procedures for cases of illness occurring at weekends and on public holidays may vary between individual units. Check the operating procedures from your own supervisor. With the permission of the supervisor, the granted periods of absence are obtained from the personnel portal.

At the end of an employment relationship, you can request a work certificate from your supervisor in which a description of the work tasks and, if you wish, an assessment are presented.  You can also order a service certificate showing title and service period information. The service certificate is delivered from Monetra Keski-Suomi Oy. Send a request for a service certificate by email: tyokokemus.hyvaks@monetra.fi.

In the subject heading, insert the following: Service certificate: [your name]

Information required for the service certificate:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • whether or not periods of absence should be seen in the service certificate
  • urgency (urgent or not)
  • delivery address
  • more information

A service certificate can be provided at the earliest on the final date of the employment relationship if you wish the date concerned to be seen on the certificate.  A temporary certificate is provided without entry of the final date of the employment relationship.